Spatio-temporal Analytic of isotope Variations in the Environment

If interested in applying to any open positions in the SAiVE laboratory please start by contacting Clement P. Bataille at
Any application will require:
1. A cover letter that includes a brief statement of interest (<500 words) discussing why you are interested in joining the lab. Be as specific as possible! The cover letter should also indicate whether you hold, have applied or plan to apply for any external or internal funding or fellowships (e.g., NSERC, CIHR, OGS, FRSQ, FQRNT etc.). This applies to all applicants regardless of your level of studies. You should also specify if you qualify for the scholarship for francophones.
2. A recent and detailed CV. Your CV should include a summary of your academic results (GPA).
3. A copy of your transcripts (grades).
The University of Ottawa encourages francophone students to apply and TA positions for francophone students are easily available! If you studied in a francophone university in the past for at least 2 semesters, make sure to mention this fact in your cover letter! Some details are available on the international office website.